Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What happened to cowboys and indians?

As a highschooler now, I remember looking back onto my childhood years. Me and my sibling unit playing make believe hoohaw, playing outside in the sunlight, doing whatever I felt like just to wait for snack time. Now POOF! Where did it all go? I was on the bus today and I heard a 1st grader say "where's my nintendo?" or "where's my ipod?" Gah! When I was a first grader i wore my stupid eskimo suit to get on all fours in the snow and pretend I'm a wolf. What is wrong with these people? And just the bus alone! When did it revert to regretting you made eye contact with the person walking down an overcrowded aisle because now they're going to sit with you instead of "will you be my friend?" Gah gah! Childhood supposed to be like fun and games and happiness, not the overpriced piece of machinery that eats your social life. Those pop plastic guns, chaps and cowboy hat of childhood are thrown down and stomped to the ground to make way for soul sucking technology. Tsk, tsk, present day. I don't blame the kids as much as I do the parents. When did it stop becoming important to talk to your kid instead of shove them infront of a tv? That's negligence people and that, my dear friends, is how serial killers are born. That's all for now. Remember: Teach present day children the importance of being a kid and flashy touch screen is far less important than human contact, thus creating the species of the socially awkward.

Monday, September 27, 2010

To Ones Own

Have you ever thought about how weird it is that we all have different likings for the same exact thing? I mean, it probably all smells the same, looks the same and tastes the same, but we all perceive it differently, in one way or another. For example, if I could sit in a room filled with something totallly random, it would be Wind Fresh Laundry Detergent. Call me the poster child for oddballs, but I love how it smells so much I want to roll in it. Some people like other things, such as the smell of Pine Sol, or hate the taste of tomatoes, or even shoot that juice in the bottom of Starkist Tuna like Tequila. I mean, to one's own, that doesn't affect me in any way. The point I'm trying to get across is that we can't all judge each other by our different likings. If you just love the smell of a puppies breath while dancing in the rain to Lady Gaga's new album, by all means go right on ahead. Or if you're like me who has the odd taste for the different, to ones own. Think about it, inside that little closet you call your head, find something that you absolutely love, no matter the, I guess I could call it weirdness but that's not much coming from me, the difference that other people would view it, then you realize how much more unique you are to other people. That's all for now. Remember: Don't be afraid to like what others don't and if you like the little juice at the bottom of a tuna can, I recommend not doing it in public.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Isn't It Fun To Place People?

I must be the most terrible blogger in the world! I mean February? C'mon! Okay anyway, I'll promise to be more faithful and update more. And so we go.
If you're a highschool student, life really takes shape for you. Not in the becoming who you want to be bullspit but the categorizing future society type of way. Such as the brainiacs becoming the new Bill Gates, the slums and druggies, well staying as the slums and druggies, the preps becoming the jobless cat ladies, and the Dungeons and Dragons dufesses(not sure on the spelling) being the role as the 40 year old virgin in moms basement. The ones who are really hard to target are the secret loonies. I mean, one day you watch them saunter down the hall in silence the 10 years later BAM!! So and so just went insane and killed three people with a curtain rod, ballpoint pen and diapers. But, then again, don't we all have that insane spark inside of us that makes us all wackos? Ah, America. Such a grand country don't you think? That's all for now. (I feel like i should be saying tune in next week) and Remember: Take a look around and see your future citizens of America and also, just because there are crazy voices in your head with good ideas, doesn't mean you have to listen to them.....all the time.
P.S. you can do this on your phone: ~(:D)->-< isn't that awesome!