Monday, December 20, 2010

The Ending of an Era (FINALLY!)

Now, this may possibly be my longest blog written, so sit back grab a cookie and enjoy. (hopefully) I also would like to thank those who read this blog constantly, you know who you are.
2010 is wrapping up quickly everyone and might I say it's been quite a year. From the good to the bad. Alas, we are all victim to the media induced society and can't escape the manners of these so called "stars." And yet, that is where the fun of ridicule fester. So let me begin.
I think our end will be met by the beginning of Jersey Shore. The ridiculous amount of idiots being drunk and making up their own drama to be on telvision. But can I say that people actually don't get sucked into the thick of it? I can't, that's the sad sad problem. I have not a few words for them, no, I have exactly 6. Get a job and grow up. Not that hard. Those who fall victim under those Jersey people, I'm so sorry.
Lady Gaga, she's gotten ridiculous has she not. From skimpy diamond suits complaining about being shunned as a highschooler (I blame the teasers? No, no I don't) all the way to a meat suit all topped off with a meat hat. Do I have to say anymore?
Okay, I really really want to know. What is the obsession with JUSTIN BIEBER? I mean c'mon. One floppy haired Canadian boy with the voice of the 11 year old girl is enough to send teenage girls (and guys if that's your choice) into a screaming mass of heartthrob ridden people, the music these days aren't what they used to be. Not meaning like I'm old, that'd be weird. But I listen to the classics as well as modern. I must say, an album of Atreyu and Pink Floyd make Justin Bieber down right ridiculous. To wrap that up, I say nay to the Beleibers and yay to those who enjoy throwing waterbottles.
One name can pretty much confirm the ongoing victims of corruption of innocence: Miley Cyrus. Hmm, where to start. This girl has taken the nature of good singing and childish innocence and stuffed it wrapped it then smoked it. Out with Hannah Montana, the painfully hard to listen to singer but with good innocence and in with a Lindsay Lohan wanna be. It's gotten bad. I mean, recently with the salvia? Just, just no.
Side note: have you noticed that anyone who goes through Disney is automatically a singer? Just noting.
Movies this year kinda sucked. I mean, we had some good originals, but the rest of them were just bad. They were either overdone remakes, or failed attempts at things we've already seem before. They were awful! I mean, most of ehm I could just guess what would happen. The Bounty Hunter (excluding the amazing Gerard Butler) it was very much predictable. Jennifer Aniston would refuse to like AButler, put up a fight, then end up in love with him again. Might I say Romantic Comedies are reducing into Nobody would ever be like this romantic and no so funny comedy. Just my opinion.
Hmm, okay lets see Obama, first black monkey, hem hem, sorry, President, for the US. Failed economy, blind Senators who only care about their well being, government in question, far too many wars, am I missing anything here?
whew this is a lot of ranting. There's a lot in a year you know?
Oh God! How could I forget? The movie Eclipse. I've already said my peace with the Twilight franchise but don't get me wrong, this is just twisting the knife in our already vampire crazed, hopeless romanitc teens with stalking of stalkers issues.
Okay, my final category that I'm going to complain about. Music. Our generation of music has fallen down in the category of the untalented. This excludes people who are actually good (sorely based on my opinion.) In this section you'll either completly agree with me or just the opposite. It is nothing more than your basic kindergarden rhyming words just talking to a beat that any five year old can make up. Oh, and if you want singers, let me pick the range, we have those of Kesha, and those of Taylor Swift. Then there is the other category. In the Kesha category we have an untalented artists with no ability to sing whatsoever who depends heavily on an autotoner. Doesn't even sound real people. Bottom line, if you can't sing or even make up decent lyrics, don't sing. That makes up about hmm, 85% of the singing population. In the Taylor Swift category we have people who can legitly sing but don't have any writing talent. We get it Taylor, you love this boy, then who got dumped by this one, then who can't choose between this one or this one, or you love this one but can't have it. Get my drift? Overly repetitive, it stops being good to down right annoying. That makes up about 10%. And for the remaining other 5% comes in the other category. Anyone who goes through Disney. 9 words: you can't sing, stick to your cheesy t.v. shows.
I'm sorry if what you were hoping to hear about didn't make my list, these were the worst I could think of rattling off. There you have it, my super duper long list of everything that I basically wanted to mention. Hope you are corrupted too much by my truth slap. Remember: Learn from your mistakes from prior years and don't forget to bring a suitcase of waterbottles to the next Beiber concert. Have a good Christmas. That's right I said Christmas you hypocritical swine! (i'm not talking to you I'm talking to those ridiculous people who think that christmas can't be shown in any shape of form in ANYWHERE so they make it Happy Holidays. So MERRY GODDAMN CHRISTMAS and enjoy the fact that nobody listens to your stupid rules.) *in a sing song voice* and a happy new year.
Read on till next year.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Because this is very related to everything else...

In this post, it is a mystery. I'll keep the picture completely unrelated for your curious minds. Will I talk about corrupted iniquitous politicians? Or perhaps the meaning of life (42.) Shall I inquire about the evils of man and if we are so corrupted, are our half engorged minds, devoured by consumerism and lies, such a terrible thing to lose? All these important topics, filled with such power and meaning, will not make their appearance here. What I will talk about are..... sandwiches.
Evil and hate? No. War and crimes. Nu-uh. Just sandwiches. I think my, and everyone else's favorite is Subway. Did you know that Subway serves soup? Who goes to Subway to get soup. I do now. I was with my sister and her friend in Walmart and it has a subway. Well, we were standing there ordering the best sandwiches in the world on delicious Italian Herbs and Cheese when my eyes caught the soup sign. We asked the manager who in the world orders soup here? She gave us some and it was delicious! God, I'm going get soup EVERY TIME I go there.
See, now I'm getting hungry. I'm in a pickle here. (see I referred to a food reference.) I'm sitting in a history class where we're SUPPOSED to look up ancient rome stuff with ash-stro ( but instead I'm writing about subway soup.
Ha! But now Im in my desktop publishing class because my teacher said to pack up the laptops and I couldn't finish this post. So now I ate food, which was chicken and cheese tortilla basically. Not as awesomely delicious as subway but whatever works.
But that thing about the sandwiches. Don't you hate it when you're trying to bite into a sandwich and the tomato decides to hitch a ride and no matter how much you gnaw on it, it won't come loose. Then the lettuce loves to bombard your lap like it belongs there. No you've got a hanging tomato, mayo and mustard all over your face and lettuce all over your lap. Sandwiches are conspiring against s consumers. They're telling a story to us, and that story is not pretty. But does it stop us? NO! That's all for now and remember: sandwiches are delicious yes, but they may be telling you to slow it down and also, sandwiches don't really talk or tell stories, so don't wait for them to.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Incompetents and Idiots

It's amazing how needy people have become. We have become so heavily dependent on other people to a point where it come to a ridiculous point. For example, my sister and I are sitting in tech class and all she is saying is, for his privacy's sake "Mr. Joe," all she is saying is "Mr. Joe! Mr. Joe! I'm confused. I need help. Jooe!" it's like sheesh! C'mon. It isn't that hard to attempt to figure things out for yourself! I mean, I hear all day everyday, "teaacher! teeacher! I need help! I need help! Come here!" UGH! Just shut up and try to figure something out for yourself for a change. It isn't that hard. You can do it. and now i'm getting nagged at from her for blogging about her. Jeez. Talk about the worst mixture of hypocrisy and self righteousness. I know so many people who are oh so willing to point out flaws of others but can't take a word of criticism directed towards themselves. They end up lashing out for hearing their faults and their mistakes that the truth brings: THAT THEY AREN'T AS SMART OR COMPETENT AS THEY MAKE THEMSELVES OUT TO BE. we all know and laugh about the idiots that we are surrounded by, but those people usually don't know that they're the idiots themselves. Yes, yes, we all have a part time idiot that dwells within who we are and it's inescapable and inevitable, but then there are our full time idiots. These are the result of no decency of common sense and impatient tantrums that cause that smart plug in the brain to unplug and check out for the weekend. Good bye common sense and smart well thinking, hello the brain of a neanderthal. That's all for now and remember: don't uncheck yourself as the full time idiot all the time and if you wake up naked and chained to a goat, that counts as being an idiot.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Hi peoples! Sorry I haven't blogged in forever. I'm lazy and my internet is being dumb and not working so I'm in a tech class doing this instead of what I'm supposed to do. This'll be a quick post just for the sake of posting to keep thy minds amused with my insightful "words of the wise" just kidding, these posts probably cause more complaints against the things I complain about, so sorry about that, random reader. Anyway, back on topic, recently I have been constantly saying the word "ninja" after everything that's ninjaly awesome. Ninja is the most awesome thing ever! Or ninjas. you know what I mean. Ninjas can be ninja and super quiet, slip inside places and steal stuff all without being seen. I mean, you'd think someone wearing practically an all black jumpsuit with a sword or some frightening weapon would be noticed! But no, you know why? Cause their ninja! Exactly my point. So when something is awesome, it's ninja. If your ninja, then take it as a compliment because you're being compared to the most awesomely awesome person/thing ever! It's ninja! Thats all for now and I promise I'll blog more often (don't take my word on it) and Remember: Use the word ninja for ninja things and just because someone may call you ninja, don't go jumping off buildings, 9 times out of 10 it won't work. That would be un-ninja.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What happened to cowboys and indians?

As a highschooler now, I remember looking back onto my childhood years. Me and my sibling unit playing make believe hoohaw, playing outside in the sunlight, doing whatever I felt like just to wait for snack time. Now POOF! Where did it all go? I was on the bus today and I heard a 1st grader say "where's my nintendo?" or "where's my ipod?" Gah! When I was a first grader i wore my stupid eskimo suit to get on all fours in the snow and pretend I'm a wolf. What is wrong with these people? And just the bus alone! When did it revert to regretting you made eye contact with the person walking down an overcrowded aisle because now they're going to sit with you instead of "will you be my friend?" Gah gah! Childhood supposed to be like fun and games and happiness, not the overpriced piece of machinery that eats your social life. Those pop plastic guns, chaps and cowboy hat of childhood are thrown down and stomped to the ground to make way for soul sucking technology. Tsk, tsk, present day. I don't blame the kids as much as I do the parents. When did it stop becoming important to talk to your kid instead of shove them infront of a tv? That's negligence people and that, my dear friends, is how serial killers are born. That's all for now. Remember: Teach present day children the importance of being a kid and flashy touch screen is far less important than human contact, thus creating the species of the socially awkward.

Monday, September 27, 2010

To Ones Own

Have you ever thought about how weird it is that we all have different likings for the same exact thing? I mean, it probably all smells the same, looks the same and tastes the same, but we all perceive it differently, in one way or another. For example, if I could sit in a room filled with something totallly random, it would be Wind Fresh Laundry Detergent. Call me the poster child for oddballs, but I love how it smells so much I want to roll in it. Some people like other things, such as the smell of Pine Sol, or hate the taste of tomatoes, or even shoot that juice in the bottom of Starkist Tuna like Tequila. I mean, to one's own, that doesn't affect me in any way. The point I'm trying to get across is that we can't all judge each other by our different likings. If you just love the smell of a puppies breath while dancing in the rain to Lady Gaga's new album, by all means go right on ahead. Or if you're like me who has the odd taste for the different, to ones own. Think about it, inside that little closet you call your head, find something that you absolutely love, no matter the, I guess I could call it weirdness but that's not much coming from me, the difference that other people would view it, then you realize how much more unique you are to other people. That's all for now. Remember: Don't be afraid to like what others don't and if you like the little juice at the bottom of a tuna can, I recommend not doing it in public.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Isn't It Fun To Place People?

I must be the most terrible blogger in the world! I mean February? C'mon! Okay anyway, I'll promise to be more faithful and update more. And so we go.
If you're a highschool student, life really takes shape for you. Not in the becoming who you want to be bullspit but the categorizing future society type of way. Such as the brainiacs becoming the new Bill Gates, the slums and druggies, well staying as the slums and druggies, the preps becoming the jobless cat ladies, and the Dungeons and Dragons dufesses(not sure on the spelling) being the role as the 40 year old virgin in moms basement. The ones who are really hard to target are the secret loonies. I mean, one day you watch them saunter down the hall in silence the 10 years later BAM!! So and so just went insane and killed three people with a curtain rod, ballpoint pen and diapers. But, then again, don't we all have that insane spark inside of us that makes us all wackos? Ah, America. Such a grand country don't you think? That's all for now. (I feel like i should be saying tune in next week) and Remember: Take a look around and see your future citizens of America and also, just because there are crazy voices in your head with good ideas, doesn't mean you have to listen to them.....all the time.
P.S. you can do this on your phone: ~(:D)->-< isn't that awesome!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


This is just going to be a short blog considering I have less than twenty minutes and in school in one of the most boring classes (and most useless) Intro To Computers. We had to recreate a wanted puffin poster (don't ask) and the picture of the puffin was adorable! It was all puffy and cute! And just thinking about it, the name Puffin is a really funny word. Just say it twenty times over in your head, Puffin, puffin, puffin, puffin. lqtm! Oh that stands for Laugh Quietly To Myself. It's much truer than lol. Every time I read a funny text I don't sit there laughing hysterically looking like a deranged maniac, but I lqtm. Laugh quietly to myself. See? Much more correct. No, I can't take credit for it, I got it off of Important things with Demetri Martin, watch it! It's amazing! Wow, I just totally got off topic, oh well. Well, I am going to print out thirty copies of that puffin poster and post it all over town, see how many people call. And if you see puffin poster everywhere, you now know where I live. go Puffins and Demetri Martin! Also Peter Petreli is awesome too. For all those know who he is, go you.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Internet usage: When is it time to draw the line?

Twitter, Faceboook, Myspace, etc, where will it end? Okay yes blogs are part of the internet BUT they don't share personal info, your name, identity, etc, etc. Okay, we'll start with twitter. I heard that they are going to put the word "tweet" in the dictionary, the meaning saying when you update your status on Twitter. !???! Um, okay, wow. That, that just stooped to a whole new level of stupidity. I can just hear the other countries laughing at us and our "stupid american ways" *say that in a French accent then it sounds so much better.* My definition of Twitter: An easier way for your stalkers to keep track of you. If you tweet, I'm going out of town to lets say Orlando to get to this resteraunt at this date in this park wearing this item of clothing, hmmm, how long will it take for some creepy 70 year old pedifile with thinning hair living with 46 cats and likes to watch little league games, to find you?
Or Facebook. Some people are smart and are like, okay, I'll only accept people that I know personally and have a locked profile, good for you! But then we get to the people who are like, they're hot, look around my age, no idea who he is but he only lives 470 miles away from me, what harm could there be? That old man is stalking you, beware. He knows your face and he knows where you live.
Myspace should be called, everyone's space! Same thing with facebook, it's out in the open and they can track you down! BEWARE!
That's all for now. Remember: Not everyone needs to know everything and if you see a creepy old guy staring at you intimately from across the room, run!
p.s. Remember what Mom and Dad taught you, some creeper comes up to you and you don't know him, shout Stranger Danger! (no matter if your 19 and in public,) and if someone asks if you want candy from the side of a van, tell them to throw it to you.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Twilight Obsessions

Today I am discussing the topic of the hit book series and movies Twilight, written by Stephanie Meyer, produced by Summit Entertainment. I admit it, I'm guilty of reading these books and watching the movies, but I'm not a psychopathic die-hard fan of Twilight.
I was walking through a mall and I came across my favorite music store, fye. Well, I was browsing through the Breaking Benjamin albums when I turn around and there I was, standing face to face with the stony cold creeper face of a life sized cut of Robert Pattinson. I stared at it for a few more seconds until my eyes caught sight of the rest of the Twilight merchandise. There were lunchboxes, posters, bobbleheads, dolls, oh and wait for it.... vampire perfume! Smell like Edward Cullen with one spray. I smelled the stuff all right, and it smelled like a mixture of 10 year old LIsterine mouthwash and some sort of rotten mutation of a orange and pineapple. I saw four girls buy it. But if you want to smell like rotten fruit and toothpaste, by all means go ahead because by god you will smell like a vampire! And the life sizsed cut out? YOu have got to be kidding me! Because I would sure love large creepy looking piece of cardboard staring at me while I sleep.
Oh, this one cracks me up. I was walking through Walmart and as I walk by the toy section half of the barbies were Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. I'm sure your child will know exactly who they are, considering that they are FOUR YEARS OLD PEOPLE!
Well, I liked the books, the movies aren't great, but if you were offended by this post and in your room is at least four Edward Cullen cut outs and every inch of the walls are Twilight and New Moon posters, I'm sorry, but that's your thing, not mine. Remember: Find the line between reality and fiction and the reason Robert Pattinson's hair stays up like that is because he washes it every other two weeks.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Aerobics: Helpful or Hurtful?

Today in my highschool, I am taking an aerobics class. My teacher is so skinny she looks unhealthy, but that doesn't mean she will stand in front of the class to actually teach us aerobics routines, because that would require work! Anyway, she puts on these videos for us to follow and she decided that we all can keep up with a phycopath aerobics crazed blonde who has half her bloodstream pumped full of steriods. And they were hard! One two, one two, step up, peel your left leg up to touch your ear while hopping in place at the same time. Now do it four times over! I may be skinny but that doesn't mean I'm fit. I'm more of the, my exercise is walking downstairs and stretching over to grab a remote, type. Yes, sadly, I have the very unfortunate habit of being extremely lazy. I don't think I'll ever be able to walk again. The items to buy on the school lists under aerobics should be energy drinks and prosthetic limbs if you ask me. In America's desperate attempts to decrease children obesity, they require at least one credit of Physical Education courses and so called "healthy lunches" in the school systems. As if that's going to stop them from grabbing a zebra cake every chance they got. That's all for now. Remember: Rethink your daily consumption of junk that is called "food" and protest against your neighborhood McDonalds.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hello people!

Today, I am writing my first blog, obviously. I'll probably do one or two every week, depending on my mood, about the things that I want to talk about. I'm not going to tell you my whole biography, much less my real name or age, but about what I think of the world and what goes on in it. So my first blog topic: Creepy and somewhat depressing fortune cookies.

I recently have been in a Chinese Restraunt, and at the end of the meal we got our usual fortune cookie. My sister got a whole live long and prosper speech, my father and mother the same of living well and sunshine through out their day. And what do I get? Direct quote: "Your friends may possibly turn their backs on you someday, and without the correct choices you will die alone."
Now, that doesn't sound very nice. Yeah, yeah, the moral is to make correct choices but did it have to mention that I may die alone? Yes, very reassuring.
So, I thank you for reading my short, but first, blog. And thank you company that makes fortune cookies for teaching me a valuable lesson.