It's amazing how needy people have become. We have become so heavily dependent on other people to a point where it come to a ridiculous point. For example, my sister and I are sitting in tech class and all she is saying is, for his privacy's sake "Mr. Joe," all she is saying is "Mr. Joe! Mr. Joe! I'm confused. I need help. Jooe!" it's like sheesh! C'mon. It isn't that hard to attempt to figure things out for yourself! I mean, I hear all day everyday, "teaacher! teeacher! I need help! I need help! Come here!" UGH! Just shut up and try to figure something out for yourself for a change. It isn't that hard. You can do it. and now i'm getting nagged at from her for blogging about her. Jeez. Talk about the worst mixture of hypocrisy and self righteousness. I know so many people who are oh so willing to point out flaws of others but can't take a word of criticism directed towards themselves. They end up lashing out for hearing their faults and their mistakes that the truth brings: THAT THEY AREN'T AS SMART OR COMPETENT AS THEY MAKE THEMSELVES OUT TO BE. we all know and laugh about the idiots that we are surrounded by, but those people usually don't know that they're the idiots themselves. Yes, yes, we all have a part time idiot that dwells within who we are and it's inescapable and inevitable, but then there are our full time idiots. These are the result of no decency of common sense and impatient tantrums that cause that smart plug in the brain to unplug and check out for the weekend. Good bye common sense and smart well thinking, hello the brain of a neanderthal. That's all for now and remember: don't uncheck yourself as the full time idiot all the time and if you wake up naked and chained to a goat, that counts as being an idiot.