Now, this may possibly be my longest blog written, so sit back grab a cookie and enjoy. (hopefully) I also would like to thank those who read this blog constantly, you know who you are.
2010 is wrapping up quickly everyone and might I say it's been quite a year. From the good to the bad. Alas, we are all victim to the media induced society and can't escape the manners of these so called "stars." And yet, that is where the fun of ridicule fester. So let me begin.
I think our end will be met by the beginning of Jersey Shore. The ridiculous amount of idiots being drunk and making up their own drama to be on telvision. But can I say that people actually don't get sucked into the thick of it? I can't, that's the sad sad problem. I have not a few words for them, no, I have exactly 6. Get a job and grow up. Not that hard. Those who fall victim under those Jersey people, I'm so sorry.
Lady Gaga, she's gotten ridiculous has she not. From skimpy diamond suits complaining about being shunned as a highschooler (I blame the teasers? No, no I don't) all the way to a meat suit all topped off with a meat hat. Do I have to say anymore?
Okay, I really really want to know. What is the obsession with JUSTIN BIEBER? I mean c'mon. One floppy haired Canadian boy with the voice of the 11 year old girl is enough to send teenage girls (and guys if that's your choice) into a screaming mass of heartthrob ridden people, the music these days aren't what they used to be. Not meaning like I'm old, that'd be weird. But I listen to the classics as well as modern. I must say, an album of Atreyu and Pink Floyd make Justin Bieber down right ridiculous. To wrap that up, I say nay to the Beleibers and yay to those who enjoy throwing waterbottles.
One name can pretty much confirm the ongoing victims of corruption of innocence: Miley Cyrus. Hmm, where to start. This girl has taken the nature of good singing and childish innocence and stuffed it wrapped it then smoked it. Out with Hannah Montana, the painfully hard to listen to singer but with good innocence and in with a Lindsay Lohan wanna be. It's gotten bad. I mean, recently with the salvia? Just, just no.
Side note: have you noticed that anyone who goes through Disney is automatically a singer? Just noting.
Movies this year kinda sucked. I mean, we had some good originals, but the rest of them were just bad. They were either overdone remakes, or failed attempts at things we've already seem before. They were awful! I mean, most of ehm I could just guess what would happen. The Bounty Hunter (excluding the amazing Gerard Butler) it was very much predictable. Jennifer Aniston would refuse to like AButler, put up a fight, then end up in love with him again. Might I say Romantic Comedies are reducing into Nobody would ever be like this romantic and no so funny comedy. Just my opinion.
Hmm, okay lets see Obama, first black monkey, hem hem, sorry, President, for the US. Failed economy, blind Senators who only care about their well being, government in question, far too many wars, am I missing anything here?
whew this is a lot of ranting. There's a lot in a year you know?
Oh God! How could I forget? The movie Eclipse. I've already said my peace with the Twilight franchise but don't get me wrong, this is just twisting the knife in our already vampire crazed, hopeless romanitc teens with stalking of stalkers issues.
Okay, my final category that I'm going to complain about. Music. Our generation of music has fallen down in the category of the untalented. This excludes people who are actually good (sorely based on my opinion.) In this section you'll either completly agree with me or just the opposite. It is nothing more than your basic kindergarden rhyming words just talking to a beat that any five year old can make up. Oh, and if you want singers, let me pick the range, we have those of Kesha, and those of Taylor Swift. Then there is the other category. In the Kesha category we have an untalented artists with no ability to sing whatsoever who depends heavily on an autotoner. Doesn't even sound real people. Bottom line, if you can't sing or even make up decent lyrics, don't sing. That makes up about hmm, 85% of the singing population. In the Taylor Swift category we have people who can legitly sing but don't have any writing talent. We get it Taylor, you love this boy, then who got dumped by this one, then who can't choose between this one or this one, or you love this one but can't have it. Get my drift? Overly repetitive, it stops being good to down right annoying. That makes up about 10%. And for the remaining other 5% comes in the other category. Anyone who goes through Disney. 9 words: you can't sing, stick to your cheesy t.v. shows.
I'm sorry if what you were hoping to hear about didn't make my list, these were the worst I could think of rattling off. There you have it, my super duper long list of everything that I basically wanted to mention. Hope you are corrupted too much by my truth slap. Remember: Learn from your mistakes from prior years and don't forget to bring a suitcase of waterbottles to the next Beiber concert. Have a good Christmas. That's right I said Christmas you hypocritical swine! (i'm not talking to you I'm talking to those ridiculous people who think that christmas can't be shown in any shape of form in ANYWHERE so they make it Happy Holidays. So MERRY GODDAMN CHRISTMAS and enjoy the fact that nobody listens to your stupid rules.) *in a sing song voice* and a happy new year.
Read on till next year.