okay, this blog is inspired by complete seriousness. I'm not going in anyway try to make this funny, but that has been sort of my ranting I've been doing lately. This blog is for complete seriousness in any way shape or form. Sorry if it bores you but that's not my problem. This is a speech that I wrote awhile back and I think the very concept of everything I wrote in it then is very much emerging into society today.
Human kind is the most interesting when it boils right down to "good and evil." The fact of the matter is, we created our essence from our existence, not the other way around. That's the philosophy of Existentialism. The words "Through the act of free self creation, we have made the values of mankind or the essence of the way we live" pretty much sums it up. We have set our own standards to what is "evil" and what is "good." Our standard of evil is the basics, selfishness, greed, cruelness and violence, etc. All of that is of what we know about our history in war and our world that we live in. B y our own standards, who is not evil? We have wars, we are people of greed, selfishness, violence and worse. We may choose to overcome some of the standards preset by our selves, giving ourselves exceptions and whatnot, but in my view, we are nothing but afraid of our own hypocritical selves. Some people choose a more "supposed" better way of life, even if we are breaking the code we ourselves have written.
I think the choice of our "good over evil" commitment can start with the frame of mind pertaining to bad guy v.s. good guy. The happy little moral character that defeats the bad guy in his horrific plots of evil. The bad guy trying to kill everything and overcome the good with his evil. The good within isn't true in my standpoint, just a mere illusion. I think, since we were evolved from a species that just cared to survive and had no intension of right or wrong we hold that same potential too. It's not choice it's instinct. Instinct to leave others and run at danger, instinct to selfishly care for yourself, it's not something that we decidedly choose, it's a gut reaction that we can choose to ignore. The good really rests near the surface as the "evil" resides deeper to the darker cavities in a recessed part of our minds that we know as subconsciousness.
Needless to say, I chose the bad guy. His depraved and twisted frame of mind was far more enthralling to my imagination that a figure of heroic benevolence. The psychology of the bad and ability to embrace the dark and shy from the good is so different that without it, a superhero would be nothing without their sinister counterpart.
I think it's interesting how we try to cover up our nature even though it isn't set in stone or preordained. Nevertheless, prerecorded history of our ancestors that we take oh so careless and file away, making the same mistakes. To say that we all don't have a spark of evil is a lie. It's funny how we turn or shy away at even a sliver of insinuation of bad, or evil, when tis us who inflict the madness.
I don't mean that I am not a good person, but I lay on a layer of our own standard of good, fooling myself into thinking I am not a child of a world weaved by greed and molded by iniquity. I do know that there is evil in everyone, but I am also saying that we are not completely evil, but also not completely good. What makes us good is how good of a show we put on. Such a good show that we fall for it ourselves. We are easily deceived, predominately by ourselves, thinking that we are decent by hiding the monster we all carry.
Hope that depressing knowledge bomb made you think. Good day.