I think the most effective way to deteriorate any mind set or thinking for that matter is lack of sleep. I haven't been able to sleep in correctly, well, on a school week. Per night I can't sleep until it's like midnight or later, and when I do it's terrible. Then I catch up on that sleep on the weekends, staying up late and waking up late. Then the cycle repeats. This is why we need summer. I love summer. It's not cold in the summer. I hate the cold. Then I was just thinking I don't like school and almost wrote "I hate the school." then that sounded harsh like "the school must die" equivalency and that is just terrible. So I think I'll just change it to "I dislike the school at times." that sounds nicer. This is also what sleep deficiency does to you. Makes you think weird thoughts and dream weird dreams. Such as I had a dream that I was in the Empire State building. When we got to the top it was mounds of dirt acres and acres full. It was compact but steep so there was railing to hold on to. My dad was pushing little kids on swings in a grassy park that looks similar to the one in my town and I had to collect stuffed animals for a "master." It was odd. Then there was this other reoccurring dream of me having a 12 acre pool that went two miles into the ground and a giant alligator escaped in there and my besty and I had to kill it with a harpoon gun. Odd dreams are odd to have, but interesting to think about. Dreams themselves are weird. Like when you're in the dream the dream is an equivalent to scientific fact. It's like, " Oh yes, of course I'm on a train in the sky with my talking bear by my side to fight ninja pirates from space. That's never happened to you?" then as you awaken you realize it was strange and once you're in school, if you remember it then it's more like, "WTF?" I have made up my own system of currency and it made perfect sense but when I woke up I couldn't have figured it out even if the dream was played back to me. Did you know that without dreams we would go insane with madness and possibly go insane faster than if we were in Bedlam itself? It apparently resolves certain worries and problems for the time being and it helps our brain relax. Quite odd, no? Sorry, this blog was quite boring but I like to talk about random stuff. Hence the name. That's all for now and remember: Dreams are dreams and they aren't reality and just because bears are friendly in your head, doesn't mean they won't eat you in real life.
BTB: doesn't Orthodoxy sound like a made up word? There's Christian, and Catholicism etc. but then the people who made the "isms" ran out and was like, "I'm Eastern Orthodox---y. That works, keep that." Sorry, just a BTB=by the by.
I have a lot of problems sleeping too but I have never had the extremely bizarre dreams you seem to have. You could have worked that whole currency thing into a pun, if it made perfect cents. Terrible, I know.
ReplyDeletecreeper picture bud. I read this a while ago, and don't member what it's about. andddd you know how lazy I am so yeah. I will just comment on the picture tehe