Monday, February 28, 2011
I think I'm insane...

I love randomness. And not being on task. I think that is what truly makes us not go insane from the pressure of parents, school and the schoolwork itself. Again I sit here next to ash-stro my besty and we are supposed to be looking up something about the Black Plague. Instead? We are sitting here writing our blogs, hers about a funny picture she found on the internet about a My Little Rainbow Pony that looks like Edward Scissor Hands. Now, being psychos most would be like "That's a child toy!" But over here in the Nutter Factory of our life, we found it funny. That's not the only thing. We play Nazi zombies, and by ash-stro's enlightenment, when you get a headshot and blood and brains goes EVERYWHERE, it's oddly satisfying. And I agree, something about killing things and slaughtering every "living" thing in sight (virtually of course) has a sense of satisfaction that real life cannot bring. Granted I can barely knife the zombies without dying but hey, I don't have all access to a gaming system other than a wii. I think it'd be more fun (and way scarier) if it were virtual reality and it looked real. Yeesh, now I sound like a serial killer in the making. Don't be alarmed, but honestly, me and my buddy more than likely have that insane desire and potential to be, not physically but mentally. Now I sound like I'm promoting it. Just look it from my perspective. Me and my besty have strange thoughts that other people will not and never will understand. We have all the mind set makings to be a crazy person, but would rather pursue different career paths. Our insanity can only be expressed by bursts of random craziness that has been repressed throughout the days we fight to be "normal" and weekend nights where we stay up into the wee hours of the night discussing our evil and sadistic thoughts and "plans." Now you think I'm crazy. Oh well, good thing only few of you know my identity. That's all for now and remember, just cause you have crazy thoughts it doesn't make you a serial killer and if you do take that career path, please avoid where I live, cause I'd rather go out with a bang.
Friday, February 25, 2011
I hate technology (not really but a lot of the time I get quite angry with it)

Hello there friends! Today I'm just going to blab. I'm in a stupid class SUPPOSEDLY doing a stupid essay. I choose the alternative: screwing around. Tis much fun, don't you agree? Anyway, I am sitting next to my besty and she's typing her blog as well. You know what is annoying? When people who should be MATURE isn't. We watch movies in my Sophomore Health class and I hear people(one in particular) who will not stop laughing! It's like shut up and grow up. It gets ridiculous. Or the fact that people decided to make something that could be oh so simple and turn it into a big complicated mess. Computers is the biggest problem I face right now. Don't get me wrong, I would be failing without them and they have helped a heck of a lot during my lifetime, but they always make them so damn complicated! It's like the people who made them said, "Hmm, should we use the same programs that can do the SAME exact things and get along with different types of computers without running into annoyingly difficult situations?" and then the makers are like bursting out in gales of whooping laughter and saying, "Pfft, you mean simplicity and easy to use. Haha, yeah freaking right!" It's like, I had to do a movie project for my Spanish class and I used one of the libraries camera's. I didn't have time during advisory to actually work on it at school because we were discussing ACT things and ect so I figured that I could get it done at home. WRONGO! I ended on my computer for an hour trying to import and export the Quicktime files from the camera onto the Windows Movie Maker program and get it edited and exported and it would be all happy days. It didn't go that way. I tried and tried and tried until the end of god damn time then al it said simply in a stupid little pop up thing, "Windows does not support this file" and disappeared. I thought I've come close to punching the crap out of a computer before but then, oh then, I felt the need to shoot with a shotgun then take the rest outside, throwing it in the never ending snow, beat it with a baseball bat and kicking it. I think my mom would get mad though, so I resisted the urge and mentally beat the living crap out of it. Even though it neither lives nor craps. Nevermind. But it's like much of the world cannot afford anymore complication. Most of the world is, I'm sorry to say, an idiot. It seems as though the world gets smart, but the people get dumb. That's all for now and remember: Get things that are in your range of knowledge so you don't get frustrated and if you throw your computer out the window, you have to pay for a computer and a window, then that would just blow. G'day mate. (don't ask...)
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