Monday, February 28, 2011

P.S. to those of you who wouldn't care (I wouldn't care) there's a black fish in my pets. FIND HIM AND WHEN YOU DO..... feed him please :) IRRELEVANCE: Did you know that when you look at something pleasing your pupils dilate 45%?


  1. HA! i see him!!!! But only cause i have a black fish myself.... but ummm i can't find his food!!!!!! and i do care because I'm A.D.D!!! Anywho your fishy will soon perish because i fed my cat his food and lied and told you i couldn't find it.... HOESTY IS KEY.... see i'm being a better person already even though the good makes me want to throw up...:P

  2. P.S i meant honesty... not hoe-sty. hehehehehehehe even though you know what i mean....

  3. so if i just put the little pointer mouse dealio up there they gather around it....... so ha i found your stupid fish haha. pffffttt you call this a challenge??? jk taha
