Tuesday, July 5, 2011

When Reality Hits You

Hey, I haven't blogged in forever, I know. Busy days of last days of school are wrecking to the social life. The freedoms of summer are to enjoyable to just sit and stay on a computer. The reason I have returned to the blogging world today is one of not so great news. A friend of mine has died today and I wanted to wish him a mermorial onto my blog to prove to the world he won't be forgotten. He was a good friend and fun to hang around with. So here goes.

I say farewell to a life lived too short,
One made of laughter, sarcasm and a snarky retort.
A fate so small, it is a crime,
Of someone who made people laugh, one joke at a time.
Cocky and funny, he knew where his pride stood,
And he'd go on to better things, just as he would.
His departure has left everyone shocked and sad,
As we realize he didn't know his importance to the friends he had.
We celebrate a lost life who has seen all of what life has to give,
But grieve the one that had so much left to live.
I've seen him happy, angry and I've watched him huff and sigh,
And yet, I never thought I'd have to say goodbye.
Now he ascends to the unknown,
Unaware of the mark he has shown.
When we all know that his memory will not fade,
I wish he could see the impact he has made.

We'll miss you, Colter.

1 comment:

  1. That was really nice of you to make a memorial poem for Colter... Too true.
