This is just going to be a short blog considering I have less than twenty minutes and in school in one of the most boring classes (and most useless) Intro To Computers. We had to recreate a wanted puffin poster (don't ask) and the picture of the puffin was adorable! It was all puffy and cute! And just thinking about it, the name Puffin is a really funny word. Just say it twenty times over in your head, Puffin, puffin, puffin, puffin. lqtm! Oh that stands for Laugh Quietly To Myself. It's much truer than lol. Every time I read a funny text I don't sit there laughing hysterically looking like a deranged maniac, but I lqtm. Laugh quietly to myself. See? Much more correct. No, I can't take credit for it, I got it off of Important things with Demetri Martin, watch it! It's amazing! Wow, I just totally got off topic, oh well. Well, I am going to print out thirty copies of that puffin poster and post it all over town, see how many people call. And if you see puffin poster everywhere, you now know where I live. go Puffins and Demetri Martin! Also Peter Petreli is awesome too. For all those know who he is, go you.
They are ADORABLE!!!!!