Today I am discussing the topic of the hit book series and movies Twilight, written by Stephanie Meyer, produced by Summit Entertainment. I admit it, I'm guilty of reading these books and watching the movies, but I'm not a psychopathic die-hard fan of Twilight.
I was walking through a mall and I came across my favorite music store, fye. Well, I was browsing through the Breaking Benjamin albums when I turn around and there I was, standing face to face with the stony cold creeper face of a life sized cut of Robert Pattinson. I stared at it for a few more seconds until my eyes caught sight of the rest of the Twilight merchandise. There were lunchboxes, posters, bobbleheads, dolls, oh and wait for it.... vampire perfume! Smell like Edward Cullen with one spray. I smelled the stuff all right, and it smelled like a mixture of 10 year old LIsterine mouthwash and some sort of rotten mutation of a orange and pineapple. I saw four girls buy it. But if you want to smell like rotten fruit and toothpaste, by all means go ahead because by god you will smell like a vampire! And the life sizsed cut out? YOu have got to be kidding me! Because I would sure love large creepy looking piece of cardboard staring at me while I sleep.
Oh, this one cracks me up. I was walking through Walmart and as I walk by the toy section half of the barbies were Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. I'm sure your child will know exactly who they are, considering that they are FOUR YEARS OLD PEOPLE!
Well, I liked the books, the movies aren't great, but if you were offended by this post and in your room is at least four Edward Cullen cut outs and every inch of the walls are Twilight and New Moon posters, I'm sorry, but that's your thing, not mine. Remember: Find the line between reality and fiction and the reason Robert Pattinson's hair stays up like that is because he washes it every other two weeks.
You shouldn't talk about something as awesome as that like you did it's rude to people who like it