Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oops, maybe we should've thought it out better...

I think teachers get some sick satisfaction out of pointing EVERYTHING done wrong on one student. Who cares that they got an answer wrong, who cares that they cheated on a test? It's not like they have never fell to the urge to just take that slight peek over at the answers. Because they needed the answers? Maybe. Because they wanted to check an unsure problem? Probably. Because it was right there, the forbidden never to do thing that has always tainted the classrooms of high schools all throughout history? Could happen. In any case that urge to see what is forbidden to see, the answers as provided by your peers. It's whether you act on that impulse or not makes it so. So what? There are tons of people who wish to pass a class that they don't wish to learn. And so what that they don't want to learn it? A useless class full of teenagers who will never use the material again are what we would call dead energy, being that they aren't willing to learn because they aren't wanting to learn. Granted, it would be easier to just learn the damn subject rather than cheat to pass, but nevertheless, can anything less be expected, honestly? The answer is no, probably not. Back to the original argument, teachers are full of hypocrisy. As well as misunderstanding and under-minding us students. Is it obvious that throughout the course of a lessons that students aren't listening and/or paying attention. Absolutely. It shows in the work. Is it obvious that they crammed it all in their brains the night before the test and not only learned it for not one but four people? You can bet on it. So, how can they think of us as dead energized idiots who learned a whole 3 weeks of lessons in one night AND found a way to get it across to other people, ingeniously I must say, (One copied the test inconspicuously, passed the info to the next person and one wrote the work and answers two at a time on a notecard and nonchalantly passed it to the other table, it was pretty good,) not only not being seen but in desperate attempt not to get caught at it? Of course we'll all get caught sooner or later what with similar tests and the same wrong answers, but still, you have to appreciate the effort. It doesn't reflect on you as a person. That isn't all who you are. That is a bunch of crap. All it reflects is a bunch of goofing off teenagers in desperate attempt to salvage a score that will let them pass the class. Sure, Mr. Face, we might not care about one test score later in life, but we do care about the grade in the class. Believe it or not, that grade may or may not determine whether we graduate or not. So who cares if we cheated on a test for something that we'll never use or care to remember. Just be happy that we made a sorry but determined attempt to try, even if it wasn't honest. I was planning on teaching them on how to do it afterwards anyway Mr. You're Not Reading This But I'm Still Talking To You In A Hypothetical Way. Sorry that we disappointed you in not "achieving a moral integrity," but this is the best you can get from stressed out teens in a stressed out school from stressed filled tons of schoolwork. Believe it or not, but we may have a life outside of school that we want to live. If you're like Ms. GoodyTwoShoes that I know, you can dedicate your ENTIRE life to school, but before I have to surrender my soul to work, I'd like to live first. I think high school may be the most important four years of your life, but I think it's more experience and less the knowledge that nobody will remember that makes the impact. That's all for now and remember, sooner or later someone's going to catch you cheating and if your do cheat, fudge the answers a little to make it harder to spot.

1 comment:

  1. Welllll... the one who copied the test "inconspicuously" agrees. I think they get joy out of finding things wrong with what we do, cough couch mr. face. Well ya see i went and did the right thing... after the wrong but uhh you already know that proudwalmartshopper. Did i get a thank you for taking a complete zero on the test... IT'S TIME TO REBELL!!!!!!!!!! not really, but who knows with time.
