My best friend and I had to do an assignment in my History class where we had to have a town that was being raided and change the government type. We chose dictator, and not only that but an evil dictator. It went from there and here is the story.
In a small isolated mountain town, people have rallied behind two girls as their dictators. They soon took advantage and took power as the evil leaders of Brongville! One day they found magical rings and they put it on. They loved the rings. One day they were walking together and both got struck by lightning through the rings and were fused together from the neck with four arms and four legs, two heads and double the evil! From then they became LASH! They had the power to un-fuse and fuse together through the rings.
The town was a little scared when LASH began building a giant castle and taking the towns money for themselves. LASH had power of everything light touched (and more)! They had the power to control ligthning when fused together. When some imbecile would be yelling at them, the lightning would strike him, leaving nothing but his shadow and shoes, thus the reason lightning follows them. People began to hide...but they knew they could not escape LASH. Those who spoke against them would get various degrees of punishment, varying bamboo splints under the fingernails, feeding LArry, the crocodile in their moat, lightning, the dungeon and people becoming servants.
The town was in ruins because everyone fought just to stay hidden, but every town within 100,000 miles was afraid of them. But no one can hide from the Mechanical Hound! Wait, wrong story. I mean the Bounty-Hunting Squirrels, BS for short. The whole town was eventually locked in the castle dungeon for eternity on the crime of treason! Or in Larry's stomach.....mwahahaha. And yet, LASH felt that this wasn't enough power, so they went national! They made an army of clone Larrys. >:D
First, they made their own country to rule from that was located in the middle of the ocean called LASHtopia. There they safely made billions of Larry Clones, all connected to their psychic powers! They sent the Larry's into the world to take over! MWAHAHAHA...*hack hack* HAHA!
They personally went up and knocked on Mr. Squinty Latino Face's door and ate his face off! But when the Larry clones ate his face it tasted so bad that they puked it back up and yelled, "Put that in your history book!" (inside joke.) Only few were spared and LASH began to control the world! The new world...their world... would be know forever as LASHTURN! *DAH DAH DAHN DAAAAHN!*
LASHTURN was the best planet ever! But still... very evil...
But nobody spoke against LASH. Lash was great and powerful and got rid of the weird people and pollution and disease! Lashturn was feared in the glalaxy and Lash couldn't let their reign die so they made fifty thousand sleeping clones of themselves who woke after the last one died.
Lash decided to stay feared so so they had to do something epic!
So they blew up Jupiter!
The Juptitonians were devastated and they knew Lash was very dangerous. So they grouped together with Martians, Daleks, Sontarons and the Nightmare Child, the terrible creature from Gallefrey, to take down LASH. LASH got an inside tip from a double agent Larry. They went to see a doctor and got tons of weapons fused together. Then they joined together with others and it became an intergalactic war! After many bloody years, LASHTURN was destroyed along with all the clones and LASH her-herself. The galaxy was at peace again but nobody ever forgot the story or fear of LASH!
WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! LASH DIED?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!? WE NEVER AGREED TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways we're screwed up hahahah but hilarious... mr latino was frightened, even though we didn't fill in all the tails. hahahah he totally ignored our society too. and it flourished. grrrrrrr he can stick that in his history book and read it. hahahah but really great story, one of our more creative pieces. tehe the world won't get it... bur oh well it kills the time and made me laugh soooo hard. we need to keep up with our story writing... it will be amazing.... haha i enjoy the part in our story about eating his face... funnn times. ahhh if only. ok i don't even remember what i am tying to say but ummm i love you? hahah and good blog loved it, want some more of that. BYE BYE BUDDY:D
ReplyDelete* But not bur hahah
ReplyDeletehaha, we should make a book with all of our stories. it'll be a best seller. Haha, probably not. Oh well, it would entertain the few who would bother to read our stories. Especially with DEPRAVITY coming out. NO one will ever take us seriously. Ha, oh well.
ReplyDeleteDEPRAVITY!!!!!! my god yes!!!! and no one takes us seriously anyways....... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha and this is fun to just press buttons. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahhahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahahahhahhahahrgIQW>jlnr fupih;gkrbcv,.ujknltdfgscux8fiohljrgsd*Yhjdfhjdsvljotiuyrwouhfjhuwhjehdfsufjresdfoiujkrigfdujkfdfjtewisdjkesidjkruirueorporpuriurpiwurpiuwrpiupiruepijdlkjfldsjfljhtlnfjhdsnskeuisjmxasljfwreth4towljhsdljclcndjsoiaorwujdslksjdjldhfljahjdfghgljflihoglhsflhreufhfohosdifhhfdsofhfhoghfoghfhlhfldhlhsljhljfshglj
ReplyDeleteHEY I SPELT TWO WORDS!!!!!! hog and fog. hahahahahahaah
ReplyDeleteand the word porp. haha zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba... BECAUSE I CAN. also spelt the word toe.... i rule. YEAH!!!!!
ReplyDeletesorry, did NOT mean to do that. hehe, my bad
ReplyDeletenope i've been informed that it's in fact the word tow.... not toe. hahahahah i've been toe-d. jk lalalal hahahah
ReplyDeletethat was absolutely terrible. "toe-d" c'mon, bud. I know you can do better than that. "toe'd" pffft. jk. I secretly love it.
ReplyDeletethat doesn't work....AT ALL! You're my best friend! I'd rather die. *raises hand dramatically to forehead and sniffs* jk jk. So mention dying again and I'll kill your significant other!
ReplyDeleteCody??? do it. mwahahahahahaahahahaahah>:D jk hope he doesn't read this
ReplyDeleteoh god, that would be um, bad. Well bell's about to ring so bye, the one who's sitting next to me. Tomorrow we finish this... :)
ReplyDeletehahah we don't have to worry about it being bad anymore.... Cody is done for. hahahah Twas him and his Tomfoolery that got him in trouble:P hahah really though... our conversations on these things are so funny. But all inside jokes.... the world cough cough os a very small fraction is probably like WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D