I have changed the entirety of the blog. Why? BECAUSE I CAN! I think mi madre es getting angry with my response "because I can" it's a valid response and has no right to be shoved aside like it's an idiotic answer cause it's not. Why else would I do something totally and completely unrelated, unnecessary and possible detrimental to myself and or others other than the fact that I could? I don't find that that isn't a valid response. "Why did you just jump on the couch and jump through the window then run down the hill like a possessed lawn mower?" "Because I can..." see? did you see that? Simple, eloquent and just enough mystery to leave them thinking while you slink away in the shadows. Wait, what? Never mind, that's irrelevant. Why would you---? Never mind. That just sort of came from my screaming recessed subconscious and into my fingers. Heck, I was picturing that, but not in words. Then I was just thinking about slinking away soundlessly into the shadows and somebody being like, "Look over there!" Then as the opposing person looks the first person just backs up nonchalantly into the shadows right before the other guy and the other guy is like, "What are you doing?" Then the person in the shadows is like, "Hit and miss, never mind, let's go get pizza" and they walk away......well, that was long and rather monologue..ish. I do that too much. I come up with a scenerio and monologue the ENTIRE thing and about a fourth of the way through people stop listening but even though I notice, I keep on going. Because that's just an embarrassing situation because one guy starts monologuing and the others stop listening and when the first guy stops then the other people feel the need to laugh to break the awkward silence that fills in the gap of the "you weren't really listening"' stare, as put on by the monologuer. Wow, that was another one. Never mind, and remember, just cause nobody's paying attention it doesn't mean that you can't entertain yourself and there is a line where the joke needs to stop because it's being stretched out FAR too much. (Ashstro and I dance and skip on that line...incessantly... :D)
hahhahah we do stretch out our jokes way too long... i feel we've had this convo before.... OH WAIT!!!!!! we did last night... hahah ummmmm so this blog... hmmm i really don't know what's going on so interesting enough i guess hahah keep it up bud you're doin great... i get too bored so all i do is comment.