Friday, March 4, 2011

This Started with Nothing and Ended with Zombies..?

I cannot think of anything to talk about. Usually, when I go into typing, I have multiple ideas running through my head, and when I type I get something awesome--r to talk about. But now I am just typing the first sentences that pop into my head. You know, it's really weird if you think about it. The whole just popping into my head thing. We can see pictures without our eyes, we can hear voices, but not use our ears and we can talk without saying anything. It's all just noise inside our head. Like right now, and this may sound a bit odd, but I see Donnie Darko, (Jake Gyllenhaal) right now but I'm intently staring at my computer screen as I "speak." Then before I type the word, naturally I have to think about it so I hear the sentences (in a slow deep voice) in my head before I type it. It's really strange because I always think things at people to see if they can hear it. I mean, yes that sounds ridiculous but still, it's WEIRD is it not? I'm like "turn around, turn around. Hey you! turn around..." and if they do it's like coincidence? ... maybe, okay fine, more than likely.... or was it? Sorry, I sort of went in a weird direction there. Talk about weird directions, me and ash-stro ( and we were writing what seemed like an innocent story about a boy, then he turned into a Nazi who was Dr. Mengele's prodigee had a weird obsession with fingernails, then it went psycho because they began to eat people and then everyone was eating everyone and they all got mad cow disease which began the reign of Nazi Zombies. It went weird. Then I drew a Nazi Zombie, inspired by the story and I figured out that I'm not too shabby at drawing zombies because my friend asked me to draw him a zombie spiderman. It's pretty BA. Now I'm going to draw him a zombie hulk. (Obsession with super heros and the Justice League? Quite so.. he was wearing a superman shirt and has a Green Lantern obsession.) Sorry, now I'm just blabbing about things that don't matter AT ALL! That's all for now I guess and remember, drawing zombies is actually quite entertaining and if you start eating people, you'll probably not turn into a zombie....maybe. I dunno, maybe if you eat enough people, I guess it depends. Nobody's tried it yet so you never know....yet.

1 comment:

  1. well i already wrote this once... and i previously said.... the one friend (I am pretty much obligated to stick up for him haha) has a healthy obsession with super heros... like you and Dr. Who..... tehe i am too blah to write my whole thought so later later
