Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Talking To Yourself and Being "Drunk!"

Today in my blog, I am, of course, not doing what I'm supposed to be doing. Right now, I'm supposed to be looking up stuff about the death penalty and yadda yadda but instead I'm blogging. Of course. What I will start with and probably forget about half way through the blog is that it annoys me when people talk to themselves. Sometimes it's normal like when people usually are looking for something they mutter nonsense but when you have entire conversations and telling yourself things it's SO annoying. When I'm in aide, there's this other guy in the Futures Room usually. well, he is annoying to share a room with because all he does is play games, play his music far too loud, make the computer say things and freaking talking to himself. It's like today he was like, "blah blah blah, that's all done. Okay, now I'm going to go to the bathroom cause I really have to g." It's like, that's great guy, I totally wanted to know that. Then if I actually say something to him, he would be like "Oh, I was talking to myself." Then DON"T it just confuses everyone around you. Different thing: I am a sloppy drunk. Was I really drunk? No, I wasn't. I was wearing drunk glasses and had to run through an obstacle course. I'm pretty sure I was on the outside of the course, I hit a ton of cones and I fell twice. It failed. My sisters boyfriend bounced off of the wall and plowed into another guy and t'was.... HILARIOUS. It also kinda looked liked it hurt, but hey, that's more amusing than comics. It's would also suck to be in Europe on Fourth of July. Walk around and be like, "Hey guys! Today my country became independent and your country SUCKED!" haha to you! You'd probably get shot, or whatever they do over there. It's actually probably different, or the same. Either or, never mind. You know what I want to do? I want to dress up in a mining outfit, hide in the sewer, come up out of the sewer grate, look around for a few minutes then go back down. I think that would confuse people. my point exactly! Okay, I'm done! Next blog I will have an interesting story for you about me and my besty becoming a fused together dictator and taking over lands it'll be epic and remember: don't talk to yourself, it's annoying, and the next time somebody asks you, "Who are you talking to?" reply, my invisible rhino named Larry, then walk away.


  1. well you were doing what you were supposed to till i told you to occupy me by writing this blog. haha oh well... that's why i'm here. any who when you refer to your besty is that me???? ahhh just kidding of course it's me!!!!! and you kinda lost me with the 4th thing. hahaha oooppppssss....... oh well. okay you keep talking to me and i am losing my thought.... it's like when you read a sentence 100 times.... yes that's what you're doing to me.... i have to hesitate and think every single time. and i just told you of your doings so i can think but....... it just brought up a whole new topic for you. greeeaaaatttt. haha well whatever i like to listen to you rant. And in history we were having entirely way too much fun. Mr. Other Face was kinda ticked. haha but the new story we came up with is so funny... i can't wait till we finish it and you post it. and this comment turned out to be way longer than planned but if i stop i'll get bored again... but you won't want to read a comment this long... you will be like wtf man!!! So if i continue typing you'll be bummed and if i stop i'll be bummed so either way it's a fail fail. well bye bye besty. I kinda got off topic also. hahah

  2. Cough cough i mean his name isn't Mr. Other Face... It's Mr. Squinty Latino Face..... haaaaa

  3. haha, I of course it's you1 duh, haha, Mr. Squinty Face. We should call him that from now on. He won't UNDERSTAND! MWHAHAHA. Sort of like Crisco. haha, yeah. I forgot what else I was going to say. You know, we could just tell each other this stuff, we ARE sitting right to each other...oh well....

  4. Mr. Squinty LATINO Face, much better...

  5. we are??? oh my gosh hey buddy
