This is the story that I mentioned in my prior blog. Enjoy.
This is a story starting with a young boy named Hans Jomamma. Everyone just called him Jomamma. Jomamma is currently a Nazi. He frequently wore, hem hem, you know what constricting lederhosen decorated with sheep, kangaroos and swastikas. He is Dr. Mengele's prodige! But he was a bit like a cannibal because he would eat the eyes and left earlobes of the deceased, he left the body for the alive ones cause it's more fresh.
He didn't tell anyone about this secret because he was ashamed. It was a habit that drove him to eating his parents and friends. He did weird things with peoples fingernails...he kept all of them in a jar.
Then, in the middle of the night, he would lock his door, pull out his jar and pour all of the fingernails all over himself. He rolled in this for hours in happy oblivion, getting a sick satisfaction with the pieces of the people he killed. One night, he forgot to lock his door and Dr. Mengele walked into the scene of Jomamma rolling in small sharp things. Revealed as fingernails at close examination, Dr. Mengele was...relieved.
"I thought I was the only one!" he exclaimed in excitement. He took his jar of toenails out of his bag and starting pouring them everywhere and dancing in them. Both Hans and Mengele were dancing when Smitler Hadolf, Hitlers retarded cousin, walked in.
He wasn't amused. He sent both men into the concentration camps for 3 days as punishment. Without anyones prying eyes, Smilter bean to consume the toenails on the floor.
Mengele and Jomamma came up with a master plan to keep them sane enough. So they began offing the weak people in the camp. They had no jars so they kept the nails under their beds. One day a huge man came in from a tip that they were hiding something. He tore apart their whole barrack. Last he tore up the blankets and found the thousands of nails. He puked. he grabbed both Mengele and Jomamma and was taking them to either the gas chamber or the incinerator! Jomamma wasn't worried because the chamber guards would recognize Mengele and him. He was sweating bullets because the mans large meaty hand was sitting on his shoulder, tempting him like a large juicy steak. He had the almost undeniable urge to eat the mans had in one chomp.
He couldn't take it anymore! He turned fast and chomped down on the mans hand before the man could even flinch. Mengele shrieked with laughter and satisfaction and attacked the man with Jomamma. He bit a large portion of the mans thick neck.
They began to eat him alive! Some other prisoners tentatively walked up wanting a bite but Mengele and Jomamma growled viscously at them so they stayed back.
The man was gone in the matter of minutes. This began a killing spree. Jomamma and Mengele began to hide on the roofs of the barracks and pounced on helpless prey. This gave the prisoners ideas.
The prisoners whom got these ideas dug holes under barracks and when unsuspecting prey would walk up the prisoners would grab their ankles and drag them into the death pit.
Men ate men, men ate women, women ate children, children ate children, children ate babies. It was mass chaos of cannibalism. To stop the prisoners eating each other and them, the guards ate them and got mad-human disease. The guards, being able to leave, headed toward the closest town.
Thus beginning the reign......of Nazi zombies.
THE END....?
Yeah, I'll just let that soak in....
great story.. this actually turned out very well. It's amazing what we can do in one class period. tehe anyways this is one of the best stories.... it stayed on track and even though it might be angering i enjoy it very much and alos we need to type all of our stories and make a book...... hehe yes yes i agree..... hahahah with myself.... because well yeah i lost it sooo hmmmm nevermind
ReplyDeleteby the way i like the picture gives it a nice touch.....